Saturday, March 27, 2010

Homemade Doughnuts

Look at this fun post on making donuts (or is it doughnuts?) Super easy and a lot cheaper than going to the doughnut store! My mom used to always make these for me when I was a kid, especially when I had slumber parties.

This recipe for semi-homemade donuts starts from a can, but comes out baked hot and fresh. Using ready-to-use biscuit dough, these donuts are easy and fast to make.

Supplies for Donuts: 
  1. 1/4 – 1/2 cup cooking oil – vegetable or canola 
  2. I like to use the tubes of generic buttermilk biscuit dough  
  3. tongs 
  4. paper towels 
  5. confectionary's sugar 
  6. cinnamon and sugar mix 
  7. small circle cutter – I always have used a juicer that you put into an orange to suck the juice out. It make a perfect small donut hole as well. Another idea for a little bit bigger holes is using a medicine cup that came from children’s medicine. Most of you probably have this already in your cupboard.
By the way these biscuits go on sale all the time!
Open the biscuit can and spread all the rolls out. Then using a small circle cutter, press out a donut hole right in the middle.
Drop in the deep fryer or use a skillet with a bit of oil. When they turn golden, flip over. Be Careful and remove with tongs from hot oil. I love them best with Confectionary sugar. Place some in a ziploc bag, 1 or 2 at a time. You can also do the cinanmon and sugar this way or use a shaker.
They are soooo good hot! Enjoy being the coolest mom in the universe!

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