Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Defeat Poison Ivy With Tea Tree Oil

How to cope with the itchy, bubbling rash that you do have? Wash the oil off your hands and clothes after you come in contact.

There are many topical creams like Calamine lotion that can keep the itchiness at bay, but when it comes to poison ivy, the quicker it heals, the better.  My son was given steroids after I took him to the doctor, but as they grew it seemed my kids used to get this when the wind would blow... Tea Tree Oil is the answer!!

                  THIS                                         +                              THIS                               


You can find Tea Tree Oil these days at many places, health food stores, Like Susan World, or Whole Foods.

Wash the area thoroughly with mild soap and water first. Let the area dry completely and then sprinkle a few drops of the tea tree oil directly on the infected areas. Use a Q-tip to spread it around. Apply twice a day, and you should see the blisters disappearing and the rash clearing up.

Tea tree oil has drying properties, that's why it's also used to treat acne. It also has antifungal properties, so it's also used to heal minor cuts and scrapes

FYI:  You can get a little paranoid when you get this, because you don't want it anywhere else!
Just Remember, the liquid that oozes out of the blisters isn't contagious.

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